Westbury FM Ltd are committed to providing a safe place of work and the prevention of injury, ill health and to ensure, so far as reasonable practicable, the Health, Safety and Welfare of all employees, sub-contractors and those affected by their undertakings.

Westbury FM Ltd acknowledges the need to implement Policy, Organisation and Arrangements to have an overall effective health and safety management system. The Management System will be monitored, reviewed and revised on a regular basis.

To meet this commitment Westbury FM Ltd will, so far as reasonable practicable comply with: –

  • Health  and  Safety  at  Work  Act  etc.  1974,
  • Management  of  Health  and  Safety  at  Work  Regulations  1999  as  amended,
  • Control  of  Substances  Hazardous  to  Health  Regulations  2002  as  amended
  • Provision  and  Use  of  Work  Equipment  Regulations  1998  as  amended,
  • Manual  Handling  Operations  Regulations  1992  as  amended,
  • Personal  Protective  Equipment  at  Work  Regulations  1992  as  amended,
  • Personal  Protective  Equipment  Regulations  2002
  • Display  Screen  Equipment  Regulations  1992  as  amended,
  • Lifting  Operations  and  Lifting  Equipment  Regulations  1998  as  amended,
  • Health  and  Safety  (Miscellaneous  Amendments)  Regulations  2002,
  • Work  at  Height  Regulations  2005,
  • Control  of  Vibration  at  Work  Regulations  2005,
  • Control  of  Noise  at  Work  Regulations  2005,
  • Regulatory  Reform  (Fire  Safety)  Order  2005,
  • Control  of  Asbestos  Regulations  2012,
  • Construction  (Design  &  Management)  Regulations  2015,

Westbury FM Ltd will: –

  • Provide safe systems of work
  • Provide suitable and sufficient Information, Instruction, Training and Supervision
  • Maintain a safe place of work
  • Undertake Risk assessments for all activities of the company
  • Undertake Health surveillance, where required
  • Monitor and review company activities, to ensure compliance with legislation and management systems

All employees / sub-contractors have duties under the Health and Safety at work etc. Act 1974: –

it shall be the duty of every employee while at work—

(a) to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work; and

(b) as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with.